
create network identity course


Create Your Networking Identity

Overview:  Knowing your identity with your business gives you confidence in sharing how you can help others. Even though we all seeking to gain new business, you are unique with your personality and message. You must find a way to effectively and efficiently connect with your target market. Let’s use a formula to help you create an identity that is solid and you can practice so it flows effortlessly for you.  This course is complete with audio, content and homework to assist you with Creating Your Networking Identity.

Investment ONLY:  $19.00       Buy_Now_Button-300x126




BookCover FInal Create SpaceBuilding Lifetime Relationships

Overview: Life is really all about relationships.  Having the savvy to build strong, lifetime relationships will not only give your life amazing texture, it will build your business on a strong foundation.  Take each area to heart as we share tips on building a strong relationship with yourself, keeping social media relationships relevant, creating mutually beneficial relationships with your team, deepening your relationship with your family and friends, integrating relationships with your mentors, and solidifying your relationship with your referral network.

This course is complete with audio, content and homework to assist you with Building Lifetime Relationships.

Investment ONLY: $39.00 Buy_Now_Button-300x126




AliceHinkleyAd2Think Like A CEO

Overview:  As an entrepreneur for over 20 years as well as consultant to business owners from sole proprietors to executives managing million dollar corporations, I have learned through trial & error, observation, victories and mistakes that mastering the fundamental skills of a CEO will enable your business to thrive.

A Chief Executive Officer has ultimate responsibility for the success and profitability of their business.  Whether you are a brand new business owner venturing out in your first endeavor or a seasoned CEO, upgrading your skillset for managing yourself, your money, your time and your team will improve your results.  May Your Business Grow as You Think Like a CEO!

This course is complete with audio, content and homework to assist you with Thinking Like a CEO.

Investment ONLY: $39.00 Buy_Now_Button-300x126



graphic master networking course

Master Networking For Direct Sales Success

Overview: What is Networking? Networking is connection and influence. We network in almost every activity during the day. Instead of thinking of networking as a business activity you go out to do to generate leads, consider networking a lifestyle where you become an influential connector. This 13-week series is complete with videos, content and homework to assist you with Mastering Your Networking Skills for even more Direct Sales Success!

Investment ONLY: $247 Buy_Now_Button-300x126




AliceHinkleyAd1Nail It In 90:  Beyond the Book

Overview:  Everything you need to be successful is within this book and within your heart. If you take both and mix with immediate action, you will see and experience changes in yourself and your life. The power lies within you.  This book is set up to act as your workbook & journal to record your progress and thoughts as we go. It is a wonderful tool to look back upon when you are on day ninety and beyond. We also have log pages on our website that you can download to keep track of your process.  Learn More!

Investment ONLY: $497 Buy_Now_Button-300x126